
Friday 5 January 2018

SLJ - Week 2 day 4 Activty 1

Activity 1: An Eventful Experience
WWII was made up of many battles and events. Follow
this link to read more about the timeline of WWII.

Choose two key events and find out some more information
about what happened on those days. On your blog, write a
short summary of two events, including the names of people i
nvolved and where the event happened.

1 Key Event: Italy invades Albania

In april 7 1939 Italy invaded Albania. It lasted for  5 days until it ended
Also at 12 of april It was confirmed that Italy won against Albania.

2 Key events: Britain, France, New Zealand and Australia
declare war on Germany

Britain, France, Australia and New Zealand had a war on
Germany, two days after the Nazi invasion of Poland. The same day, a
German boat had got attacked and sank .The British liner SS Athenia some 250
miles off the Irish coast, killing more than 100 out of the 1,400 people on board.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Mason!

    Well done for sharing some great facts of the events during WW2. I watched a movie a little while ago about the Nazi's invading Poland. It was about a Polish zoo that was destroyed because of all the bombings going on. It makes me really sad to hear about innocent people that were affected by the war, too.

    Did you have any family serving in WW2 that you know of?

    Great work, Mason!

    Nicky :)


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