
Thursday 19 March 2020

Problem Solving

1. Mrs Tofa is travelling to Australia. She intends to buy cookies for her students in Room 7. A packet of cookies has 12 cookies in it. If Mrs Tofa wants to give her 31 students 3 cookies each, how many packets does she have to buy?
First I will times 31 and 3 so 31 x 3=93. Next I will divide 93 and 12 so 93÷12=7.75 and to round it us to the nearest 1 so it equals to 8 soMrs Tofa will need 8 packets and the students will have 7.75 percent of the cookies and Mrs Tofa will have the other 25 percent

2. Mrs Tala goes shopping every Tuesday with her friends. On each Tuesday she spends around $97. If Mrs Tala shops every Tuesday for three months, how much money would she have spent?
4 weeks in 1 month so she spends $97x4= $388 a month so four months will be $97x12 but since march has five Tuesdays so it will be $97 times 13 so 
Mrs Tala spends $1261 in three months

Nellie the Elephant


Thursday 5 March 2020

6 Sentence Starters

1. Looking at the faces of my parents, I knew something was going on.

2. Before school,I pack my lunch . 

3. At dinner time, we ate Lasagne.

4. Maths was really fun and exciting. 

5. Excited to play on my brand new magic kit 

6. Permanently the tattoos on my face were everlasting.

Sunday 1 March 2020

Thank you Vector Wero

Dear Vector Wero

I am very thankful for the opportunity you have given us . All of this wouldn’t be possible if it wasn’t for you, Thank you for teaching us how to be safe in the water and what to do if things went wrong and how to paddle the boat. Also thank you for teaching us how to cross a river and the what to do before you cross the river. I really loved when we jumped in the water rapids and Aisea, Key and I were floating away. Again Thank you Vector Wero for this great opportunity all of this would not be possible without you.