
Monday 20 July 2020

Response Questions

This poem was written by a teacher. What do you think was her purpose in writing this poem?
I think this poem is about a virus that took over and everything wasn’t normal and we had to stay home to keep others and ourselves safe. Also that we had to be resilient and strong and that tough times don’t last forever and eventually tough stuff ends.
If you were a student in this class, what would you say to the teacher about the poem?
I would say what was the purpose of this poem and how long did it take you to think and write about this poem.

If you had to change a line in this poem, what would it be and why?
I think I would have to change “ one day there was a virus “ To “There was a virus because I think that it is a better way to start this poem

What virus is this poem talking about?
Corona Virus - Covid-19

What are 4 ideas you understand about the poem?
  1. That there was a Virus .
  2. We had to stay home to keep others safe .
  3. We had to be resilient and strong .
  4. Tough times don’t last forever.

What ‘tough stuff’ is the poem talking about?
Bad times and times that you will have to do stuff to keep others safe. Also  I think tough stuff stands for times that are tough to go through.

Write a short poem about the Corona virus. We can share this with Megan.

Corona Virus ruled the word
Corona killing everyone with a twirl

With millions of confirmed cases
Keep killing people with fast Paces 

Stay at home and save lives
So stay at home and be kind

So to stop the spread
Stay at home and play with your teddy bear named Fred.

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